Academics » Admissions


The Eagle Academy for Young Men is a NYC Department of Education school, and not a charter. As such, applications for 6th grade seats are done through the guidance counselors at your son's current 5th grade school. Eagle can not admit students on its own and must follow NYCDOE admissions protocol.


Priority for admissions is given to Manhattan residents, and only those that attend an information session, open house, or other information session.

Grade 6 Admissions

  • Students and families of current 5th graders interested in applying for a 6th grade seat should do the following:
  • Speak to your son's current 5th grade guidance counselor to notify them of intent to apply to Eagle.
  • Attend an open house information session in the late fall/early winter. These dates will be posted on the school website in the fall.
  • Submit a formal application through your son's 5th grade guidance counselor.
  • Students currently in grade 5 in charter, parochial, or private school within NYC follow the same process as above. These schools have access to the NYCDOE admissions systems.
For additional information on the middle school choice process, visit the NYC Department of Education's information page by visiting: NYC DOE Choice Enrollment

Grade 9 Admissions

Admission into our 9th grade is limited, and occurs through the same process as other high school applications. In order to be considered for our academy, a family must:
  • Attend an open house & information session in the late fall/early winter. Dates are posted on our main page.
  • Include Eagle Harlem on the high school application as a top choice and submit it to your son's guidance counselor (HIGH SCHOOL CODE: Y41A)